Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper

Sharon M. Draper’s book, Out Of My Mind has been read by many an elementary student, along with other great reads like Wonder and The Report Card, but it was this book that stood out to me when we read it as a class. It was so well written and so smart and witty that I couldn’t help but read ahead in class. I had read a few books about physically disabled kids and even more about some exceptionally smart ones, but combining the two into a relateable and fabulous story really clicked with me.
Melody is a middle schooler with cerebral palsy and a photographic memory, who cannot walk or talk and doesn’t have much control over her own body. Though bits of the book are definitely about Melody’s smarts, a lot of it focuses on the social dynamics of being a person struggling with a physical disability. When she is placed in an integrated classroom, where she is one of the brightest students, many dismiss her as “mentally challenged” before giving her a chance to prove herself. Even teachers at her school dismissed this way, though not as cruelly as her fellow classmates. Though this book is targeted to kids in 5th-8th grade, if you are older, it is a worthwhile read.

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About Cora F.

Hi! I’m Cora. I’m a student at Santa Cruz High School and love to read. Besides my obsession with books, I also enjoy playing lacrosse and soccer throughout the year. I love art and drawing and painting (though I may not be the best at it). I also love math of all types. My favorite book of all time is The Stand by Stephen King.