In Just Wreck it All, by N. Griffin, a teenage girl named Bett struggles with her past. She lives in a small town where everyone knows your name, and she loved it. She used to be amazing! A healthy, athletic, fun person. But the accident came and went, and she turned into a self-conscious over-eater, and focused on dividing her life into ‘pluses’ and ‘minuses’. She defined a ‘plus’ as doing something she liked, like running, for example. And she had to counteract the pluses with minuses, so nothing positive came without a price.
When a bad incident occurs at school, just after the school year begins, Bett’s life takes another turn. She needs to decide if her actions are going to be plus or minus, and how it impacts the people around her.
Just Wreck it All is an important high-school-identity story, and teaches many lessons. N. Griffin writes with passion and beauty, creating masterpieces and letting them show through the characters.